As a graduate student in the early 2000s, I ran an awesome blog called Way To Go, Godot! I wrote on the topics most interesting to me at the time, a lot of issues related to well-being, pop psychology, and some facets of professional psychology I was just learning about.

This blog gave way over time to my desire to build a “professional” website that would gain notoriety, win me jobs and admirers, attract clients, etc., so many of these posts were hidden or appropriated. Occasionally, I’d poke my head out from the business of working-life to write a new blog post, always enjoying it and wondering what happened to those easy days of public self-expression. I’ve resurrected the old posts here, even though my thinking has evolved quite a bit over the past 15 years, because I enjoy my past self for what it was.

Way To Go, Godot!


Notes from my journey through graduate school

Finishing Psychodiagnostic Practicum

Completed My Doctoral Psychotherapy Practicum

Chicago GLBT Behavioral Health Training Consortium

SCEH 2009 in Reno, Nevada

Applying for internships. Here’s the personal essay I want to submit.

Old academic papers

These were written as a graduate student a long time ago, and are kept here only because I think they’re interesting. I have no idea whether and how much any cited research bases have changed, and many of the ideas are probably ones I would think differently about these days.

Cannabis, Metabolic Syndrome, And Emotional Distress

An Egodynamic Model of Hypnosis

Adlerian Career Assessment & Counseling

A Review of Interventions for Reducing Mental Health Stigma

Transformational Leadership In Mental Health Administration

Mental Health Parity: A Policy Analysis

Hypno-Oncology: Hypnosis in the Treatment of Cancer