I’m a psychologist with expertise in depth psychology, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, complex trauma, psychological testing, and hypnosis.
Related to, but separate from my work, I occupy myself with esoteric philosophy, poetry, jazz, and computer science.
My primary work currently is at Psych Lab Psychology Center in Long Beach, California. Psych Lab is a teaching practice where I have spent the last number of years training associate therapists in a comprehensive and integrative model of person-centered, psychoanalytic, attachment-based psychotherapy. I am the clinical director and primary supervising psychologist there, which does not allow me to see many patients for weekly psychotherapy, so I primarily meet with patients for evaluation and treatment planning sessions to help them get started in a therapy that will lead to deep and lasting change.
More information on my work and professional writings:
Psychologist David Godot, Psy.D.
I started this site as a way to focus and share my interest in the process of life: the care and maintenance of body and mind, the pursuit of community, and the artistry of thought.
This is an experiment of “thinking in public” in an intimate way, seeing if I can recapture some of the magic and connection lost to the enshittification of the internet and, if we’re being honest, of society as a whole.
Making the unconscious conscious. A podcast about the pursuit of deeper meaning and connection in life through psychology, psychoanalysis, hypnosis, meditation, spirituality, the occult, and esoteric philosophy.
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I’ll be publishing the first episode soon! Available here and everywhere podcasts are listed.
The Depth Psychologist Podcast
February 2025, Center Point Radio, “Buddhist Psychology”
With host Ran Anbar, I discuss the mysteries of consciousness and self, meditative practices, hypnosis, and language.
Center Point Radio February 2025 David Godot Buddhist Psychology.mp3
November 2024, Center Point Radio, “Working with People in Transition”
With host Dr. Ran Anbar, I discussed the parallels between AI large language models and the human unconscious, meditative states, and social fragmentation, the collective unconscious, and life after death. I also discuss my morning routine and the healthy practices that have transformed my own daily life.
Center Point Radio November 2024 David Godot.mp3
February 2019, The Talking Therapy Podcast, “Hypnosis and Alfred Adler”
I talked with hosts RJ Thomas and John Webber about hypnosis as a tool for understanding and interacting with the unconscious mind, Adlerian techniques for understanding personality development, false memories and personal myths, and trance states in everyday life.
Talking Therapy Ep. 34 Dr. David_Godot on Hypnosis and Alfred Adler.mp3